Today, in the Uzhgorod City Council, the anti-epidemic committee discussed the situation with acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in the city.
Currently, according to the Department of Health of the City Council and the Uzhgorod City and District Branch of the State Institution "Transcarpathian Regional Laboratory Center", the incidence rate is more than 16% below the epidemic threshold.
During the last week, the incidence rate increased slightly, especially among school-age children, the proportion of the hospitalized children also increased slightly – from 8.5% last week to 10.2% this week.
According to the city department of education, in recent days the number of absent students in schools is about 3 thousand, but at the same time, only 381 turned for medical help. Attendance in kindergartens is higher and the incidence among preschool children is significantly lower than that among schoolchildren.
Yesterday, February 8, no case of a clinically or laboratory confirmed seasonal flu was recorded.
Regarding the situation with measles, since the beginning of the year, there have been 109 patients with this disease in Uzhgorod. 1-2 new cases are detected every week.
At the meeting of the committee today, they decided that there are currently no grounds for announcing quarantine measures, on Monday the committee will meet once again for a detailed analysis of the monitoring data on the incidence rate and the adoption of an appropriate decision.
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