As you know, in 1985, the UN General Assembly at its 40th session in a special resolution suggested governments to celebrate December 5 as “International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development” (resolution № A / RES / 47/3), urging them to take measures to encourage people in all fields of life to offer their services as volunteers.
Today, the Facebook feed is simply fantastic because of the numerous congratulations and words of gratitude to those who have dedicated themselves to the noble cause of help, and sometimes salvation – of people, animals and, in fact, the country…
Here is one of the greetings from a person who knows exactly who these volunteers are and what mission they perform in our country and in Transcarpathia in particular – the famous volunteer Galina Yartseva:
– Congratulations to those who will never harden their hearts! It is easy to give: money, time, energy. Give with love and without benefit to yourself. Promise yourself that this is just one time, but break this promise hundreds of times, because you need to save: a child, a person, an animal, a country. Speaking of myself, over these years I have received more than I did in the previous 40 – those who inspire me, who have become my life landmark, who have revealed to me the truth in human need on this Earth. Thanks.
Thank you to everyone who is in the right place at the right time and lends a helping hand. My prayers for your health.
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