Theft of the city property is going to be arranged without a wide public informing – Peresolyak

The Chairman of the Public Council of Uzhgorod, during the meeting with local activists, told about the high-profile land decisions that are submitted for the next Uzhgorod City Council session.

 "74 properties are going up for privatization. According to a previous decision of the City Council, there should have been public hearing on each of these properties – it was not done. Theft of the city property is going to be arranged without a wide public informing. In addition, the head of the municipal economy department solely forms the tender commission consisting of 5 persons, four of whom are employees of the same department, and the starting price for the sale of these properties is approved solely by the same department head. We see a corruption component here.

For some sites, documents of title are not ready, some of them are subjects of litigations – how can they be put up for privatization? These land issues were at the last moment removed from the agenda of the last session of the City Council, but the city government has lapsed into its old ways. We demand to withdraw them from consideration this time too", – Oleksandr Peresolyak said.


Activists believe that in a time, when the country is in crisis and real estate prices have fallen sharply, such privatization can be profitable only for individual oligarchs, but not for the community.

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