The timeline of “Uzhgorod repair” (PHOTOS)

The journalist Vitaliy Glagola followed the history of the repair of pavement on a street in Uzhgorod. Watch and make conclusions…


Let’s talk about the new asphalt on Sobranetska street in Uzhgorod. It is brand new, but it is already done. This is what happens when you lay asphalt "like butter on a piece of bread" and roll it out at -4 ° C.

Let’s remember the timeline of the repair: 
• On September 28, the ambitious renovation of Uzhgorod street called Sobranetska began

• Sunday, October 30, 2016: On Sobranetska street in Uzhgorod, 5 manholes and new curbs were covered with asphalt

• Saturday, December 24, 2016, Hellish Sobranetska: asphalt was rolled out at -4° and cars were allowed to drive while it was still hot

And that’s just the main moments of the "repair" of this street. It has been only six weeks since December 24, and the pavement is already gone. There are all reasons to believe that nobody will bear responsibility for this negligence.

The winner of the tender: 
26.07.2016 "SAM BUILDING" Limited Liability Company for 3,995,905.20 UAH (VAT included) 09.098.2016"


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