The police arrested the persons involved in the mass brawl in the village of Hecha in Beregovo district

They are two Mukachevo residents aged 27 and 33 years. Both are previously convicted. The hooligans were notified of being suspected of a criminal offense and taken into custody.
January 31, in the village of Hecha in Beregovo district, after the festival of butchers, a mass brawl occured. As a result of the brawl, several people were injuried.
Law enforcement officers immediately identified the persons involved in the brawl, but they were hiding from the investigation. And now two of them, Mukachevo residents aged 27 and 33 years have been notified of suspected. By the way, both two suspects were previously convicted.
The men are reasonably suspicted of having committed a criminal offense provided for in Article 296, Part 4 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism committed with firearms and other object specially adapted and prepared in advance to inflict injuries). The punishment for committing the offense is imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.
At the request of the investigator, the court imposed on the resident of Mukachevo pre-trial restraint in the form of detention. Currently they are held in the temporary holding of Beregovo police.
The investigation is ongoing. 
PR Service of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Transcarpathian region

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