Students of school №2 in Uzhgorod will study Hungarian

Parents’ committees of eight schools in the region have turned with the suggestion to study Hungarian as the second foreign language.

"This pilot project may be implemented at the school №2 in Uzhgorod. Methodological assistance to teachers can be provided by experts of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rákóczi II. We agreed with Hungarian partners on textbooks," – the Chairman of the Regional Council Volodymyr Chubirko said during the visit to the school together with the Consul General of Hungary Jozsef Bochkayi.

Today, two universities in the region train teachers of Hungarian language and literature – UzhNU and the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute.

"In Hungary, there are also city schools, where parents have expressed a desire to have children learn Ukrainian. It will be possible to establish contacts between these schools. Also such educational institutions may participate in grant projects of the Visegrad four, focused on school education," – the consul said.

The principal of the school Yaroslav Kyrlyk believes that the implementation of this project will provide new prospects for school students.

Press office of the Regional Council

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