In the social network, in the facebook group Uzhgorod-my favorite city, users express their outrage about the state of bus stops and conditions of passenger transportation in buses. They share comments and photos.
Alena Dantelo expresses her opinion and adds photos:
WHO IS THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE???!!!!! I could not but post this problem here! Who in Ungvar is responsible for this issue??! I had not used buses for a long time, and thank God I am not a regular client of this hellish urban transport 1) NO normal stops, people stand under the rain!!!
2) NO canopy!!!
3) You have to wait for a bus too long. Not enough seats!!!! Why there are no normal, large buses!!!?? Million people pack in this hearse!!!!! It’s impossible to get out of it!!!!! I’m shocked!!!! PS I understand that the people, who make the laws and ride in comfortable cars, cannot understand all that!!!! Solve this problem!!!! Such a ride for 4 hryvnia… It is a stress!!!!!"
Oleg Semenikhin That’s why I always walk or ride bicycle.
Marina Fedchyk Who is the master?))) The same who is the master in the city))) Now we know why the city is such a mess)))
Olga Brylyova Very good pictures))) Show our reality as it is. I would not be surprised if they start selling fruits and vegetables next to garbage cans as they did before))
Mykhailo Timofeev You know, the problem is not with buses and mayors, the problem is with the people themselves: if they tolerate all that, it will never be gone!
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