Soon Transcarpathians will be able to report online on the one-stop principle

Reports to all central government authorities could soon be submitted on-line on the "one-stop" principle and under a single unified standard. The relevant Concept of creation and operation of automated system of "one-stop online reporting" was approved by the Government.

The concept envisages that citizens and businesses instead of submitting a large number of identical accounting data to different authorities and under different standards will be able to submit them only once and remotely. Instead, an automatic information exchange between the central government will be establiched that will allow to quickly get access to the accounting data necessary to carry out their functions.

According to experts of the Ministry of Income, the introduction of the "one-stop" principle will allow citizens and businesses to save time and reduce material costs for the preparation and filing of reports, and government authorities – for acceptance and processing thereof. And, just as importantly, it will allow to abandon paper-based reporting, and reduce the role of the human factor – the presence of errors in reports, subjectivity, corruption and so on. Generally, the "one-stop" principle is an important component of e-government, the implementation of which will improve the business environment and investment climate.

Recall that the Concept of creation and operation of the automated system of "one-stop electronic reporting" was developed by the Ministry of income and charges pursuant to the National Action Plan for 2013 to implement the program of economic reforms for the years 2010-2014 "Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, Effective State", approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dd. March 12, 2013.

Source – Main Office of the Ministry of Income in Transcarpathian region

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