Rescuers once again ask Transcarpathians not to burn dry grass and protect nature

Transcarpathian rescuers urge people to observe fire safety rules and to prevent fires in ecosystems. In the forests and parks, make fire only in designated areas, never leave it unattended and always put it out before returning home. If you kindle a fire in your own yard, do it during a calm weather without wind, at a distance of at least 15 meters from buildings.

Recall also that according to Article 77-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences, burning of stubble fields, meadows, pastures, areas of steppe, wetland and other natural vegetation. as well as fallen leaves in parks and other green spaces and lawns in localities without the permission of state environment protection bodies or in violation of such permission entails administrative responsibility. Violators may be punished by fines in amount of ten to twenty non-taxable minimum incomes (170-340 UAH) for citizens and fifty to seventy non-taxable minimum incomes (850-1190 UAH) for officials.

Source: State Emergenices Service of Ukraine Office in Transcarpathian region.

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