Regional deputies urge government to speed up the privatization of state enterprises

Members of the Transcarpathian Regional Council of the VII convocation prepared an appeal to the government on completion of the necessary procedures for the privatization of state enterprises and the transfer of the land of enterprises from state to communal ownership. The text was published on the website of the Regional Council for adoption at the plenary meeting of the fourth session on 28 of July.

The document states that "there are many state-owned enterprises in the region managed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Practice shows that these companies are not engaged in economic activity, therefore their arrears of wages and single social contribution are increasing. Due the absence of agrotechnical processing, the fertile land is overgrown with shrubs, buildings are collapsing and equipment is delapidating. As a result, the land gradually becomes unsuitable for agricultural use, is subject to active water and air erosion, etc.

Transcarpathian Regional Council has repeatedly appealed to the higher authorities to resolve this problem. In particular, by the decision of 08.06.2012 number 494, they gave consent to the transfer of real property of state-owned agricultural enterprises of Transcarpathian region to joint ownership of territorial communities of villages, towns and cities of the region and appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to implement the necessary procedures.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has not made any steps to improve the situation, has not provided constructive suggestions to resolve the problems raised.

Based on the above, in order to meet the interests of the communities of Transcarpathian region, we request to expedite the completion of the necessary procedures for the privatization of state enterprises and the transfer of the land of enterprises from state to communal ownership," – the document reads.


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