Over 3.4 Thousand People Found Jobs Through Zakarpattia Employment Service

Zakarpattia Regional Employment Service Assisted Over 5.2 Thousand Unemployed Since the Beginning of the Year

Zakarpattia Regional Employment Service continues to operate in regular mode, despite the challenges of martial law, providing essential services to its clients.

From January 1 to September 10, 2024, a total of 5237 unemployed individuals used the services of the employment service, of which 1558 were young people under 35. Thanks to the service’s assistance, 3.4 thousand people found new jobs, while over 583 individuals underwent professional training.

This year, 1809 employers contacted the employment centers in the region, offering a total of 5107 vacancies. In total, 6100 job openings were available to job seekers in Zakarpattia.

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