On May 25, 2014, there will be presidential election in Ukraine. The voting will take place from 8.00 to 20.00 without a break.
6 territorial constituencies have been formed in the region:
Addresses, location of precinct election commissions, regular and special polling stations in the Transcarpathian region:
In addition, in Transcarpathian region on this day, the following elections will be held simultaneously:
Mizhhirya town head
Zarichchya village head in Perechyn district
Nyzhnya Apsha village head in Tyachiv district
Hlyboky Potik village head in Tyachiv district
Verkhnye Vodyane village head in Rakhiv district
Polyana village head in Slalyava district
Chomonyn village head in Mukachevo district
Luzhanka village head in Rakhiv district
Lubnya village head in Velyky Berezny district
Bukovets village head in Mizhhirya district
Shcherbovets village head in Volovets district
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