250 multi-tests for the detection of drugs "Sniper 12" will be purchased at the expense of the city budget in Mukachevo.
With the consent of parents, schoolchildren can be checked for drug use. The lack of real statistics suggests a risk of drug use by children.
In Mukachevo, they want to help parents determine whether their child uses drugs. It will be voluntary and parents themselves will decide whether they want to conduct a test. The tests are not cheap, so the government took over these expenses. Testing will be conducted in the hospital or in schools – whereever parents choose.
At the same time, narcologists read in schools lectures on prevention of drug abuse among children. Also experts of Mukachevo State University conduct a survey of students to determine whether students take psychotropic substances.
Psychologists recommend drug testing if the parents have suspecions about use of psychotropic substances by their children. In addition to changes in the behavior of the child, it may be the presence of traces of injections, bruises, uncontrollable behavior and reactions.
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