Moskal advises to carry out a scientific examination of draft laws on language

Three bills on the functioning of the state and other languages ​​in Ukraine are registered at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Their authors cite the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which was ratified in Ukraine by a special law on May 15, 2003.

– However, there are many factual errors in this law – Hennadiy Moskal said. – Thus, the Charter’s provisions, under the Ukrainian law, are applicable to ​​such minority languages, as Jew and Greek, even though they do not even exist. European population that identify themselves as Jews speak Yiddish, and Israeli official language is Hebrew.

In Greece, the official language is Modern Greek, but the population of Ukraine, which identify themselves as Greeks, speak Rumey or Urum language depending on religion.   Therefore, the law "On ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages" should have been amended long time ago because it shows the ignorance of our Parliament. In the current three bills, there are many controversies that cause mixed reactions of the national minorities living in Ukraine. Therefore, to avoid speculation on the language issue, which always causes a disturbance in the society, the draft laws before registering should be referred to linguists for scientific examination.

Source: the press service of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration.

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