This Monday (15.04.13) experts of Uzhgorod service for customs authorities expert support gave final assessment of the medications "Betaferon 250 microgramos / ml" by "BAYER", recently detained at the Ukrainian-Hungarian border – 631,000 UAH.
Recall that returning from Spain to Ukraine via the checkpoint "Tisa" our fellow decided not to declare an expensive medication and save over 100,000 UAH on customs duties.
When checking the cargo compartment of the van, which belonged to the resident of Ternopil, inspectors found among his personal belongings five cartons with 75 packages of foreign medications "Betaferon 250 microgramos / ml" in the set: glass bottles complete with solvent (syringe), an adapter with a needle for a bottle and alcohol napkins produced in Germany. The driver was carrying undeclared medicines to Kamyanets-Podilsky at the request of an unfamiliar to him person for a reward.
Chop customs officers drew up a protocol against the driver under Article 472 of the Customs Code of Ukraine for not declaring goods which are subject to compulsory taxation. In addition, the Ukrainian had no permits to import such medications. The medications, which were subject to payment of about 130,000 UAH of customs duties, were seized until the court decision.
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