Meanwhile, in Svaliava…

In order to prevent emergencies, the police enhanced patrolling of the territorial election commission in Svalyava and the surrounding streets.

Last night, the police was approached by one of the candidates for the mayor of Svalyava. He said that 50-60 youths had gathered outside the city election commission, threatened to set fire to the station and burn the ballots.

In order to check this report, the management of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Office and Svalyava district police department arrived at the scene.

As it turned out, there had been no such threats. There were observers and candidates for deputies of different levels near the territorial election commission. They had gathered near the building to prevent outside influence on the members of the election commission during the recount. The work of the commission was not interrupted. Police officers are monitoring the situation.

"The situation is under control. Additional crews of the police were engaged to prevent violations of public order in the city," – the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Office in Transcarpathian region Yaroslav Lebovych said, the statement posted on the website of the regional office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reads.

Meanwhile, a Transcarpathian site reports that entrances to the city are controlled by armed National Guards.

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