International experts reviewed the work with refugees in Transcarpathia

International expert Maya Zotovich came to Transcarpathia with the monitoring visit. She conducted a comprehensive assessment of the second phase project of the Regional programme for refugee protection that is implemented in the region by the Mission of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.    

 December 3, the expert met with the head of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Transcarpathian region Igor Mykhailyshyn. Also, the meeting was attended by the Assistant UNHCR Regional Representative in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine Dmytro Balazhiyevsky, the head of the department on the work with foreigners and refugees in the regional State Migration Service Yuriy Markov and the head of the department on the work with refugees and social integration Mykola Tovt.

The international consultant Maya Zotovich wanted to know what benefits the Migration Service received from this project, including training programs and workshops, and also if the employees of the department on the work with refugee receive the assistance of the implementing partners of UNHCR.

 In turn, the management of the regional migration service informed the expert on the state of the implementation of ​​refugee legislation in the region, the implementation of the regional action plan for the integration of refugees and persons in need of additional protection into Ukrainian society.

Since the beginning of the year, the State Migration Service in the region has received 88 applications for protection. Two persons were granted refugee status, another 11 received additional protection. Overall, there are 45 recognized refugees and 56 persons who were granted additional protection registered at the migration service of Transcarpathia.

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