In Vynogradiv district people dig through the dam – because of the illegal collection of gravel the city could suffer during the next flood

The problem of unauthorized collection of sand and gravel in Transcarpathia is not new. Here and there in the region from time to time some of enterprising violators are fined, but the overall picture has not changed all that: this business is too lucrative to give up on it.

Such illegal activities are causing major damage to local budgets, which do not receive funds due to them. But, most importantly, the nature suffers, for riverbeds and banks are dug randomly, heavy equipment is used, and fuel and oil gets in the water.

According to the head of Vinogradiv District Council Oleg Liubimov, a difficult situation regarding this problem has developed in Vynogradiv district: everyone is digging where they want, and not a penny falls to the local budget from such business. 

However, it seems that the lack of documents does not stop businessmen. Thus, just 10-20 meters from the dam people regularly mine gravel and silt. Oleg Lyubimov emphasizes: "If the river changes its direction, it could easily break the weakened dam – and Vinogradov will be under two-meter layer of water." 


According to Andriy Huntselizer, chief specialist of the organizational and analytical work of Vinogradiv District Council, the situation with the collection of gravel in recent years has been extremely chaotic, works are performed haphazardly, without permits and relevant project documentation, which would have to determine where and what areas require clearance. Even if local residents report such illegal works, violators are never caught. It seems that someone is warning them of possible exposure and they disappear from the scene of "work".


In short, it seems that someone helps Vynogradiv diggers go unscathed. Or else, how can it be possible that noone in the district knows and can bring to justice the people who work for all to see?

Oleg Lyubimov said that he would address in this issue to the regional prosecutor’s office. 

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