In Uzhgorod, combatants were granted land. Despite the request of the military

The decision on the allocation of land in Uzhgorod to the ATO participants and combatants in Afghanistan was adopted at today’s meeting of the city council. Despite the request of the military to review and update the lists of persons entitled to land.

First, the Military Commissar of Uzhgorod M. Zhuravlyov asked to extend the list of persons participating in the ATO, who are to receive land, because the list is not complete. And then to convene a special session to address these issues. They suggested to postpone the consideration so that wounded, families of killed soldiers, etc. would be the first to receive land, not policemen who just served 30 days at remote checkpoints.

However, deputies still decided to allocate land in parts, because according to the mayor, it is impossible to allocate land to 500 families at once. 

First, 34 deputies supported the draft decision №1679, according to which the land was allocated to combatants is Afghanistan and participants of other fightings. Then, the considered the draft decision №1698 on the allocation of plots to participants of the ATO. 

Then, Uzhgorod city council decided to grant combatants in Afghanistan and participants of the ATO permits for preparation of land management projects on land allocation for construction and maintenance of residential houses, commercial buildings and structures with subsequent transfer to their ownership in Uzhgorod. 

The City Council Secretary Bogdan Andriyiv said that 10 plots had already been allocated, 81 had been approved, the issue will be decided as applications of the ATO participants, their families and the families of the fallen heroes will be coming.

The decision outraged the community, because, as activists noted, the people, who really need it, were not in the list, there were almost no wounded soldiers, but there were many officers of the Security Service of Ukraine and police.

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