In Tyachiv, an underage driver committed a traffic accident and fled the scene

Yesterday, October 30, after 21.00, a a resident of Tyachiv district reported to the police about an accident on Nezalezhnist street. At the scene, the investigative team determined that the driver of a "Mercedes" with Czech license plates lost control and collided with a car parked on the roadside. Then, the "Mercedes" slid to the roadside and drove into a power line post. A passenger of the car suffered injuries, including spinal injury. The driver of the car fled the scene.  

Following the search operations, it was found out that the driver of the "Mercedes-Benz E 200" was a 17-year-old resident of the village of Teresva. The young man was driving the car without a driver’s license. He said the police that he got scared, and therefore fled the accident site.  

The boy was interviewed and tested for alcohol in the blood. The vehicle was taken to the impound lot of Tyachiv Police Department. A criminal proceeding over this incident will be initiated under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, that is violation of traffic safety.

Source: National Police in Transcarpathian region.


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