In Transcarpathia, 3611 persons have influenza and ARVI

According the head of the epidemic monitoring and sanitary protection department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in Transcarpathian region Victoria Dordyay, during the 7th calendar week of 2014, 3611 people have appealed to health care institutions of the region about ARVI and influenza, which is 425 more cases than that in the previous week. Among the diseased, 2603 (72.0%) are children under 17 years.4.9% of the total of cases (180 persons) have been hospitalized, including 161 (89.4%) children.

The growth rate of ARVI and influenza during the reporting week has decreased compared to the previous one and is 13.3%. The incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in the population of the region is 28.7 per 10 thousand people, which is 64.2% below the epidemic threshold.

Specialists of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the region continue to monitor the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and conduct active informational and educational work among the population in order to enhance public awareness on the prevention of diseases of respiratory infections group – the press-center of Health Care Administration in the Transcarpathian region informed.  

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