In order to illegally cross the border, a woman hid between the seats of a minibus

 A woman, who tried to illegally cross the border with Hungary, was found by border guards of the Mukachevo detachment at the checkpoint "Luzhanka".

   A 36-year-old woman tried to escape border control by hiding between the seats of a "Mercedes", in which she had arrived at the checkpoint as a passenger. Thus, the citizen committed an offense stipulated by Art. 201-1 of the CAO "Illegal crossing or attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine."

   As it turned out, the woman had a passport of a Hungarian citizen, but she did not renounced the citizenship of Ukraine, and she also had problems with the law, that is why she was prohibited from leaving Ukraine.

   A report was drawn up against the citizen for the commission of the aforementioned offense, the case was referred to the court.

                                                                   Press service of Mukachevo border guard detachment

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