As a result of the sale of goods, currency and values, which became the property of the state, in January 2015 the budget received almost 4.6 million hryvnia.
This is stated in the notice of the State Fiscal Service.
As noted, the vast majority of this amount accounts for the funds received from the sale of confiscated property – almost 1.6 million hryvnia. Compared to the same period in the last year, this figure increased threefold.
The volume of currency values credited to the state budget in January reached nearly 1.3 million hryvnia.
The proceeds from the sale of perishable property seized by customs authorities for violation of customs regulations, and the property to be returned by court decisions (owner failed to apply) amount to 921,100 UAH.
In addition, during this period, customs offices transferred to the budget of 835,600 UAH from the sale of goods after expiry of their customs warehousing period and of goods under the customs regime of confiscation in favour of the state.
Another 1,900 UAH was received from the sale of the property confiscated by the state enforcement service in cases of violation of customs regulations that was not confiscated by customs authorities directly.
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