In honor of the Transcarpathian killed in the ATO, a street will be renamed and a memorial plaque will be installed

December 27, at the second plenary session of Mizhhirya town council, the deputies, among other current issues, were considering the issue of renaming Dobrolubov Street to Oleksandr Ihnatyshyn Street.

A month ago, Mizhhirya district received the sad news and suffered bereavement – the death of a young soldier, fighting in the East – Oleksandr Ihnatyshyn.

"The Executive Committee and members of the town council already discussed this issue, and friends of the deceased conducted a survey of residents of  Dobrolubov street, who almost unanimously agreed to rename the street. Therefore, we must pay tribute to our hero, we and our children have to remember about him. It’s the least we can do to honor the young soldier Oleksandr Ihnatyshyn who gave his life for our free Ukraine" – the town head Vasyl Shchur said.

Deputy Mykola Yanchik proposed to add to the the draft decision the paragraph on putting a memorial plaque on the house where Oleksandr lived, then later the decision was unanimously supported by deputies – the Mizhhirya online reported.

Rest in peace! Heroes do not die!

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