These pre-New Year’s Eve days, checks on the illegal sale of fir trees and fireworks are being carried out in the region. Offenders face administrative liability with confiscation of goods.
In particular, these days, throughout the region, law enforcement officers, together with representatives of the authorities, public groups, and journalists, are carrying out raids to detect illicit trade in fir trees and fireworks.
In total, the police seized about a hundred Christmas trees: in Velyky Berezny, Irshava, Beregovo, and other districts.
Another such raid was carried out today, December 27, in Uzhgorod.
During the raid, the markets of the city and places of illegal sale of fir trees and fireworks were checked. Several Christmas trees were found and seized on Koryatovich square. Reports of administrative offense under Art.160 of the CAO (Trade in prohibited places) were drawn up. This is punishable by a fine in the amount of one to seven tax-free minimum incomes of citizens with the possible confiscation of goods.
In order to avoid punishment, the trees should be sold in places specifically designated for this purpose in the markets. The trees themselves need relevant documents about their origin.
Law enforcers are also conducting raids to detect unscrupulous sellers of pyrotechnics. Recall that fireworks are allowed to be sold only in special stores, where all products are certified. Sale of household fireworks in the markets is prohibited. It is also forbidden to sell fireworks to children.
In accordance with Article 195-6 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, violation of the rules of production, storage, transportation, trade and use of fireworks entails a fine of thirty to five hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens with the confiscation of fireworks.
Raids to detect the illegal sale of Christmas trees and fireworks in the region will continue until the holidays.
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