Illegal antennas: in Uzhgorod authorities want to remove satellite dishes from old facades

Despite the adopted in July last year decision (number 194 dd. July 22, 2011 "On amendments to the decision of the City Council dd. 26.12.2006, № 136 "On approval of the rules for Uzhgorod city improvement" ), houses in the historic part of Uzhgorod are still covered with satellite antennas.

As the chief specialist on cultural heritage protection of Uzhgorod City Council Marianna Sobran explaned, "this decision contains a clause banning unauthorized installation of external elements including satellite dishes, on the facades of buildings,. Under this paragraph, a person, who wants to set up a satellite dish, should contact the Department of Architecture and receive the permit. This decision was taken in order to regulate the number of air conditioners and satellite dishes on the walls of the houses, first of all – in the historic part of Uzhgorod. But now, although de jure the issue is solved, de facto the problem remains."


The only way to solve this problem, says Marianna Sobran, is to adopt a decision to dismantle satellite dishes, if they do not have permits. It is possible that this decision will be prepared for the next meeting of the executive committee. "At the previous meeting the decision to dismantle illegally installed signage had already been adopted (as already informed – Ed.), the same principle should be applied in this matter. The decision will obligate antennas owners to provide permits for their installation, and if absent – to dismantle them. I can see no other way" – said Marianna Sobran. 

It should be noted that the same applies to air conditioners and any structural elements being placed on the facades of valuable buildings. All reconstructions that change the face of the building, including replacement of woodwork, should be agreed with the city architecture agency and the authority for the protection of cultural heritage; a facade passport must be approved. Only then the work may be commenced. However, these requirements are widely ignored and the historic center continues to overgrow with antennas and conditioners, frequently old facades are thoughtlessly painted with flashy colors.


In any case, now referred precisely in what way and how effectively controlled municipality own the same conclusion. Apparently, count on it, will look our Uzhgorod.

Source: Zakarpattya online ,

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