Going on vacation? Do not forget to pay the single contribution

Single tax payers of the first and the second groups, who do not use work of hired employees, can exercise their right to vacation for one calendar month within a year and not pay a single tax during that time. 

As for the single contribution, in accordance with the Law on Single Contribution, individuals – entrepreneurs, including those who have chosen the simplified taxation system, shall pay the single contribution. If a single tax payer of Group I or II took advantage of the right to vacation and is exempt from the single tax for one month, the exemption from the single social contribution for this period is not provided for by law. That is, such taxpayer must pay the single contribution to obligatory social insurance, regardless of their financial situation.

Uzhgorod STI notes that according to the Law on Single Contribution, the single contribution amount shall not be less than the minimum amount of insurance premium, which is defined as the product of the minimum wage and the amount of the contribution established by law for the month, the wage (income) is accrued for, and shall be payable monthly.

By Uzhgorod STI

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