“Garages” on Petofi Square in Uzhgorod have appeared on the Cadastral map

The information about the location of three land plots on Sandor Petofi Square has recently appeared on the Public Cadastral map of Ukraine.

As the bureau of investigative journalism "Know!" already reported, the said land plots were allocated by deputies of Uzhgorod city council free of charge by the decision №1507 – paragraphs 2.99, 2.100 and 2.101 – for the construction of individual garages.

That is the land, which is a place of public use, with the permission of the absolute majority of deputies of Uzhgorod city council, has been turned into private property for free supposedly for the construction of three garages. Although, construction of garages in the public square in front of the Consumer Services Center in the center of Uzhgorod contradicts logic and common sense.

By the way, the "land" commission of the Council recommended to deny the allocation of these plots due to the inconsistent planning documentation. Nevertheless, deputies adopted the decision.

December 5, 2014, Transcarpathian regional prosecutor’s office said that they were examining the legality of the decision of Uzhgorod deputies number 1507. But, as of now, the results of this examination are unknown.

However, as of today, the area in front of the building of the Consumer Services Center is still owned by the community – deputies have not yet adopted the decision approving land use projects for these three plots of land in the center of Uzhgorod.

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