Easter delights: what Easter eggs Uzhgorod masters make (PHOTOS)

Easter egg is a unique symbol of life and Easter, Ukrainian authenticity, and also a way to show one’s talent. Easter egg as a creative act and even a subject for experiments – such kind of products we saw at the Easter ethno-fair, which took place in Uzhgorod this weekend on the initiative of the volunteers from the Movement to support Transcarpathian soldiers.

Easter egg as a tradition, but with new elements of a familiar needlework. Such products were presented by Olena Sihetiy. Easter egg decorated with delicate cross-stitching, delicate crochet lace and even with sakura!

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Tetyana Druzhyna makes her Easter eggs in decoupage technique. She mastered this art about four years ago, and she would not even have thought then that she would be selling her works at fairs. Exquisite works with carefully chosen colors and always a positive attitude are her trademark.    

Carving… on egg! These kind of Easter eggs were presented at the festival by two masters. But, of course, their works differ, because they are original, and also very exquisite.

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Hanna Svystak carves on goose, duck and chicken eggs. Openwork pattern on the shell is created using a burr and, of course, talent and patience. Of course, one wrong move can spoil the whole product, but when it is a success, the result is worth it. The artist is constantly experimenting. And at this year’s fair, she presented the compositions that can be called "egg in an egg": a double work made of two delicate artful Easter eggs. Hanna also combines carved Easter eggs with beads, textiles and decoupage.

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Beata Tovt-Vashkovych is a known master in Uzhgorod who works in several techniques.  Carved Easter eggs are the latest addition. They are very original and combine modern minimalism with Easter egg making tradition. 

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…Of course, those are not all variations of Easter eggs from talented people of our city. Textile, embroidered with beads, cake and soap Easter eggs, as well as excellent works made using the traditional wax technique – this is not a complete list of all the holiday variety, which was presented on Teatralna Square at the fair. And those, who were not there, can visit the pages of the masters in social networks. And to watch for announcements of events, from the Movement to support Transcarpathian soldiers because the Easter ethno fair is not the first and not the last interesting event organized by the volunteers.

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