At first glance, the documents are fine, the only thing that is left is to cross the customs border of Ukraine. The clock shows 23:00. A citizen drives by car to the customs checkpoint "Tisa" of the Transcarpathian customs office. To move the vehicle across the customs border of Ukraine, the citizen submits the certificate of registration of the vehicle, the letter of authorization for operation of the vehicle certified by a notary in the city of Michalovce, Slovakia.
During the customs control, the database ASMO "Inspector-2006" gives the information: the citizen is suspected of forging the letter of authorization. The next step of the risk analysis department officers is sending a request to the notary whether he indeed certified the citizen’s signature on the document. The answer is no, the document was not certified in the notary’s office, the information is falsified.
Thus, the citizen committed acts aimed at moving across the border of Ukraine the vehicle concealed from customs control by by submitting a forged document, namely the letter of authorization for operation of the specified vehicle.
It should be noted that since the beginning of the year, customs officers have exposed and prevented 11 similar cases, the last one of which was on March 13th, 2015: the vehicle "KIA SEPHIA" was seized.
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