COVID-19: the situation as of the morning of September 4 in Uzhgorod, Transcarpathia, Ukraine

As of September 4, the situation with coronavirus infection in Transcarpathian region is as follows: 

During the past day, September 3, 100 persons were diagnosed with COVID-19.

3389 patients have recovered.  

Overall, as of 9:00 am on September 4, 2020, 7888 patients have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

For the past 24hrs, one death among patients diagnosed with COVID-19 has been reported. In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, 268 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 have died. 

Press center of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration 



As of the morning of September 4, 1391 Uzhgorod residents have been confirmed to have COVID-19. This was reported by the health department of Uzhgorod city council and Uzhgorod city and district branch of the State Institution "Transcarpathian Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine". 

17 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the past 24 hours in Uzhgorod.

741 people have recovered  

21 persons have died.
33 Uzhgorod residents are hospitalized, 596 are on outpatient treatment. 

481 Uzhgorod residents are on self-isolation 

In the last 24 hours, mobile crews have collected 113 samples of biological materials for polymerase chain reaction test.

Press Service of Uzhgorod City Council

According to the Public Health Center, as of 9:00 am on September 4, there have been 130951 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, of which 2761 were fatal, 60613 patients have recovered. During the day, 2723 new cases were confirmed. Currently, coronavirus disease has been detected in:   

Vinnytsia region – 4269 cases; 
Volyn region – 5723 cases; 
Dnipropetrovsk region – 2570 cases; 
Donetsk region – 1576 cases; 
Zhytomyr region – 3550 cases; 
Transcarpathian region – 7888 cases; 
Zaporizhzhya region – 1768 cases; 
Ivano-Frankivsk region – 9845 cases; 
Kirovohrad region – 841 cases; 
Kyiv – 14,477 cases; 
Kyiv region – 6017 cases; 
Lviv region – 15312 cases; 
Luhansk region – 393 cases; 
Mykolayiv region – 1446 cases; 
Odesa region – 8038 cases; 
Poltava region – 886 cases; 
Rivne region – 9535 cases; 
Sumy region – 1680 cases; 
Ternopil region – 6841 cases; 
Kharkiv region – 10312 cases; 
Kherson region – 444 cases; 
Khmelnytsky region – 2848 cases; 
Chernivtsi region – 10786 cases; 
Cherkasy region – 1756 cases; 
Chernihiv region – 2150 cases. 
MOH reminds: Be sure to call your family doctor if you notice the first symptoms of a respiratory disease. Stay at home! Self-isolation is the surest way to protect yourself from infection


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