On hydrometeorological features of May 2020
The weather in May 2020 was formed mainly by cyclonic processes and the passage of fronts and was variable. Precipitations in the form of short-term rains, heavy showers with thunderstorms and strong winds were observed throughout the region. In the foothills and mountainous districts and in the highlands (Play), there was sleet and snow. It was the coldest May since 1991.
The average monthly air temperatures in most of the region were 9-14°C, in the highlands – 5°C. This is 2-3° below the norm. The minimum air temperatures were -3°C to +4°C, the maximum air temperatures reached 19-22°C, and 11°C in the highlands. The precipitation rate in May ranged from 48 to 139 mm, ie – 78-127% of the monthly norm.
The average monthly water content of rivers in Transcarpathian region in May 2020 was 62-77% of the norm.
Brief climatic characteristics of June
In June, thunderstorm activity increases compared to May; hail, squalls, heavy rains and downpours are observed. The average monthly air temperature is 14-18.5°C. The absolute temperature minimum is -2° to +2°, the absolute maximum is 24-36°C. The average monthly precipitation rate is 85-124 mm. The number of days with precipitation ranges from 13 to 18. According to the long-term weather forecast, the average monthly temperature is expected to be 15-20°C, which is 1-1.5° above normal for the base period (1981-2010). Monthly precipitation rate is projected at 80-119 mm, which is 94-96% of the norm.
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