Clean environment for Transcarpathia

In 2014, as in previous years, Transcarpathia joined the all-Ukrainian campaign of public welfare. So, works on improvement and cleaning of territories continue in our region. This is particularly relevant in springtime: in all settlements of the region, the communities clean up courtyards, streets, parks, gardens after winter.

For the maximum support and the proper organization of these processes, the head of the RSA Valeriy Lunchenko signed a relevant order. The document recommends institutions, organizations and enterprises regardless of ownership to hold the perpetual campaign "Clean environment for Transcarpathia" and set Friday as the day of sanitary cleanup, and district and municipal authorities are required to arrange for a permanent work on the improvement of populated areas, their landscaping and gardening, and involve local people, institutions and organizations in citywides works on improvement, elimination of illegal landfills.

  In addition, it also refers to improvement of cemeteries and memorials, monuments, mass graves and other places of burial of the killed soldiers, plaques, museums, rooms of military glory. 

Source – Department of Information Activities

 and Public Relations of the RSA

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