Christian medallions were found in the ruins of the church in Uzhgorod Castle

This was reported by the Golos Ukrainy referring to the Religious Information Service of Ukraine.
The processing of this year’s season artifacts discovered by UzhNU archaeologists continues. A separate and interesting group of items is comprised of medallions. For example, in the community ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, prof. E. Balaguri reported about a fragment of a medallion, which was discovered during the exploration of the church ruins in the territory of Uzhgorod Castle.
Historians tried to give a brief description of it. Its front is the reversed image of the St. Benedict medallion (the Benedict Cross), and on the other side there is the blessing of Zechariah. Therefore, it is considered a charm against plague. On the obverse of the medallion, in the center, there is an equilateral cross. There are four letters between its sides: CSPB – Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (translatation: The Cross of Saint Father Benedict). On the vertical side of the cross, there are letters: CSSML – Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (translation: Let the Holy Cross be the light for me), and on the horizontal part: NDSMD – Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux (translation: Let the ancient evil serpent perish). On the outer edge, there are letters: (IHS VR) SNSMVSMQLI (VB) – Vade Retro Satana, Non Suade Mihi Vana, Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ipse Venena Bibas (rough translation from Latin: Let Satan be gone, Evil will not tempt me, The poisoned chalice he will drink himself). IHS – is Latin acronym of the name of Jesus (from Greek).
The inscription ends with letters IHS + MRA which refer to the names of Jesus and Mary. At the very bottom of the medallion’s reverse, there is an image of three nails that symbolize the nails that nailed the body of Jesus to the cross.

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