Today, close cooperation of business representatives with the customs in Transcarpathian region plays an important economic role improving the investment climate and attracting more investment projects.
Recently, the head of Chop Customs Alexander Pokhylko visited the car plant ‘Eurocar’, where he saw an increase in the production of a powerful importer in the region and became more familiar with its work – said Victoria Sengetovskaya, a spokesman of Chop Customs.
Last year and during the first quarter of this year the revival of industrial activity at the plant significantly influenced the growth of its turnover, hence, transfer of customs payments to the budget increased. So, just for the first quarter in 2012 ‘Eurocar’ paid over 115 million.
A good example of foreign investment was demonstrated by the general manager of ‘Eurocar’ Alex Yagitchev to the head of customs straight in the workplace.
He said that the company ‘Eurocar’, created more than 10 years ago, today is a leader in terms of investments. That is more than 250 million U.S. dollars. Equipped with modern machinery of the leading European manufacturers, the factory produces cars, components, parts and accessories for the vehicles and their engines, carries out maintenance, as well as wholesale and retail sale of foreign cars. It implements increasing annual production volumes and expanding range of products strategies. For example, if in 2002 there were produced nearly 2000 cars, in 2011 it was already about 12,000 cars. New production capacity of the plant allows increase the level of localization of cars production with the prospect of further development of export. Now the factory ‘Eurocar’ produces the whole range of cars ‘Skoda’.
‘This year we plan to increase production of cars 1.5-fold, respectively, imports will increase too, informed the Alexei Mykhailovych. What concerns cargo verification and registration at the border, everything happens in accordance with the requirements of the customs legislation. For example, recently we have had changes in the pricing of ‘Skoda’ components, which directly affects the customs value. We approach this matter constructively, together with customs we clearly defined price ranges. As a result the company did not feel any problems or delays in customs registration.’ So, if you have clear and transparent rules of the game, the business will increase the pace of its production capacity and regional budget will become filled with millions of taxes and fees transfers.
Note: During the period of direct foreign investment more than 350 million U.S. dollars were attracted to Transcarpathian region. According to the statistics, every fourth Zakarpattya resident works at enterprises with foreign investments and almost two-thirds of manufactured goods are produced on them.

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