According to the, the incident occurred yesterday, on Friday, June 17. The crew of the 24 channel came to Transcarpathia to prepare a report about sections of the state border with Hungary, which have ended up in private ownership and are controlled by self-defense units. recently described the situation with the "privatized" border in detail.
Around 21:00 on Friday, the journalists went to the filming location near the checkpoint "Luzhanka" on the outskirts of the village of Dyida where 134 hectares of land at the border several years ago were transferred into private ownership. Representatives of Uzhgorod Garrison Military Prosecutor’s Office also arrived there, after journalists appealed to them with the report of a crime and the request to comment on the situation with the "privatized" border on the ground.
During the shooting, around 23:00, border guards also arrived at the shooting scene and announced their intention to hold up both journalists and military prosecutors. Border guards cited some confusing arguments as the grounds on which they intended to detain the journalists and the prosecutors. The main argument was that they were shooting the state border without permits. Although, the journalists were actually shooting private land located on the state border, which is in fact the problem.
Fortunately, there was no actual fight, although at some point the prosecutors even had to draw out guns under a threat of detention. As a result, the border guards decided that they would not detain the military prosecutors. Meanwhile, the journalists were detained until around 5 am, explaining all the details of the shooting. According to the, the channel is preparing their own statement about the incident, and, of course, the program.
Note that this section of the Ukrainian-Hungarian border is controlled by the Mukachevo border guard detachment.
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