Border crossing at the “Luzhanka-Beregsurany” checkpoint is blocked, people suspect it’s a sabotage by Hungarian customs officers (PHOTOS)

At the checkpoint "Luzhanka-Beregsurana", vehicular traffic to Hungary has stopped. The queue has been barely moving since 5 o’clock in the morning. At the moment, it reaches the "Duty Free" store and continues to grow – the reported from the scene.

Drivers believe that it is a deliberate sabotage, a sort of a protest. And they attribute it to the detention of the whole shift of Hungarian customs officers, whom the Hungarian prosecutor’s office accuse of bribery and the organization of a criminal scheme.

Currently, it is possible to cross the border with Hungary only on foot, but even that takes about 2 hours.

The Mukachevo border guard detachment reported that the checkpoint on the Ukrainian side is working normally.


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