Before the beginning of the school year, prices of apartments in Uzhgorod have increased

Before the beginning of the academic year, the website of the Journalism Department of UzhNU studied prices for apartments in the regional center.

The realtor said: "One bedroom flats with very poor conditions now cost from 1,000 hryvnia per month. Good and comfortable one-bedroom apartments cost from 1,500 UAH per month (not including utilities fees). There are greedy owners who do not create any conditions for living, but want a big rent for the property. There are apartments for 300-500 dollars a month, but they are rented mostly by students from the "rich" districts of Transcarpathia whose parents want to be sure that their children are living in good conditions. 

Before the beginning of the new academic year, the prices rose by 100-200 UAH. Realtors take for their services half the monthly cost of rental housing, although there are cases when they take less. Now landlords set high prices for their property because there is a great demand, but apartments are few. 
The second wave of massive search for student housing comes before the New Year, because in six months a lot of students find out that they do not get along with their roommates. Another reason could be that the apartment is cold or uncomfortable. 
So. it is better to wait until October-November, when prices are normalized and the choice is increased. First-year students are advised to live a month or two in a dorm, and find friends there, and then to rent apartment together, so that they wouldn’t have to move because of quarrels among themselves. And also so that they would try a true student life." 

 Тому краще почекати з вибором житла до жовтня-листопада, коли ціни нормалізуються, збільшиться вибір. Студентам-першокурсникам краще місяць-два пожити в гуртожитку, знайти там друзів, і вже потім разом шукати житло, щоб через сварку між собою не доводилося знов переселятися до інших. Та й просто варто спробувати справжнього студентського життя». 

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