At the Transcarpathian checkpoints, there are traffic congestions at the entrance to Ukraine

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is taking all necessary measures to ensure a comfortable, safe and speedy crossing of the border.  At the moment, the traffic of persons and vehicles leaving Ukraine is uninterrupted. NO QUEUES ON THE BORDER.

At the same time, we ask all travelers and carriers to take into account the situation at the entrance Ukraine as of the morning of December 23.

Queues of cars have begun to be formed at the points of entry to Ukraine, especially on the Ukrainian-Polish border.  This is due to the fact that many travelers are coming home for Christmas.

We are informing that currently on the western border of Ukraine, the number of vehicles waiting to enter Ukraine from the neighboring countries is as follows 

On the border with Hungary:

"Tisa" – 150 cars;

"Vylok" – 50 cars.

On the border with Slovakia:

"Uzhgorod" -100 cars.

On the border with Romania:

"Porubne" – 95 trucks.

Please take this information into account when chosing your route.

State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine

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