According to the preliminary findings, son of the ex-Governor of Transcarpathia died due to falling from a height

За попередніми висновками судово-медичних експертів син колишнього губернатора Закарпаття Івана Різака Олексій помер внаслідок падіння з висоти. Про це  стало відомо з власних джерел у правоохоронних органах Закарпатської області.

According to the preliminary findings of forensic experts, son of the former governor of Transcarpathia Ivan Rizak – Oleksiy died from a fall from height. This became known from our own sources in law enforcement authorities of Transcarpathian region.

According to the source, yesterday, December 13, there was the exhumation of the body for a more thorough re-examination.

The informer noted that the father of the deceased was present and examined the body of his son.

According to preliminary findings, O.Rizak died due to falling from a height as evidenced by numerous fractures and ruptured internal organs.

Last night the body of the deceased was buried.

The final official results of the examination, according to the source, will be ready in about a week and half.




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