Today, at the customs post "Tisa" of the Transcarpathian Customs, an attempt to smuggle clothes across the customs border of Ukraine was prevented. The Ukrainian arrived at the customs post by a car "RENAULT" with registration number plate of Ukraine. Our compatriot was going from Hungary to Ukraine.
The driver chose for customs control the "green corridor" lane, thus indicating that he was not carrying any objects that are subject to compulsory written declaration or taxation and not subject to prohibitions or restrictions for transportation across the customs border of Ukraine. During the oral questioning, the Ukrainian said that he was moving across the customs border only personal effects and denied having any other goods.
Based on analysis and risk assessment, the vehicle was taken out of the general queue for customs inspection.
During the inspection of the vehicle in the box for in-depth inspection, they found in the car foreign goods hidden from the customs control, namely: clothes (women’s blouses, pants) of different brands with the total weight of 317 kg. The goods were found in specially made cache in a double partition, in the ceiling of the car.
Thus the Ukrainian committed acts aimed at moving goods across the customs border of Ukraine concealed from customs control.
These actions contain signs of violation of customs regulations referred to in Part 1 of Article 483 of the Customs Code of Ukraine.
Currently. the report on violation of customs regulations has been drawn up. The clothes, a total of 801 pcs. and the car worth almost UAH 204 thousand were seized.
SFS in Transcarpathian region
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