A terrible accident in Beregovo student: three students died

Yesterday, a terrible accident occurred in Beregovo district, three students died. The driver of a car "Skoda Octavia", a 20-year-old unemployed resident of Mukachevo, at the entrance to the village of Hat lost control and drove into a ditch, causing the accident. At the scene of the incident, near the car, two corpses of young males were found. One of the passengers died in an ambulance, during transportation to Beregovo CDH. The driver is in the intensive care unit of Beregovo CDH with a diagnosis of 5 fractured ribs, polytrauma. His condition is assessed as serious.

Law enforcement officials identified the victims: a 16-year-old 1st year student of Mukachevo vocational school № 3, a 19-year-old student of Mukachevo State University and a 19-year-old student of Lviv Trade and Economic Academy.

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