Hungarian communities in Transcarpathia do not support any candidate in the first round of elections

Today, March 7, presidential candidate Yuriy Boyko (party "For Life") came to Uzhgorod. In the morning he visited the office of the NGO "Association of Hungarian Culture of Transcarpathia", where he met with the chairman of the NGO, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Vasyl Brenzovych, the deputy chairman of the NGO, the first deputy chairman of the Transcarpathian Regional Council Yosyp Borto and other representatives of the NGO.

Following the meeting, Vasyl Brenzovych, the chairman of the NGO "Association of Hungarian Culture of Transcarpathia" told the Karpatskij Objektiv: "We all know that the presidential elections are coming. The NGO "Association of Hungarian Culture of Transcarpathia" decided not to support any of the contenders for the presidential post in the first round. But we are open to talks with all presidential candidates. And today, we had a conversation with Yuriy Boyko. We agreed that the laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in the humanitarian sphere restrict the rights of national minorities and lead to instability in our state. This needs to be changed. Also, we talked about dual citizenship. We believe, and Yuriy Boyko agrees with us, that it is not prohibited by Ukrainian legislation. And all these things that were said in the press and by some politicians about Ukrainians with dual citizenship were illegal… In addition, we talked that Transcarpathia is a border region, and if we really seriously think about integration into the European Union, we needed big investments to the border crossing points, roads and other transport infrastructure.

So we are waiting for the first round, and after that, the circumstances will be different, and maybe we will make another decision. The most important thing is for the elections to be fair and in teh spirit of democracy", – the MP said.


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