Robert Horvat: We have to defend Ukraine’s national interests together!

The Ministry of Infrastructure has supported the proposal of people’s deputies Robert Horvat, Vasyl Petyovka and Valeriy Lunchenko to ban imports of vehicles from the Russian Federation. At the same time, embargo is still being considered by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food. This was announced on Tuesday, February 19, by MP Robert Horvat.


"We continue to fight for the ban on the import of vehicles from the invader country. Recently, we received a reply to our request on this issue. In particular, we were informed that the Ministry of Infrastructure does not object to the embargo. However, as it turns out, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy has objections. And for some rather strange reasons," – the parliamentarian said.

 Thus, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy has reservations about the ban on the import of Russian tractors and suggested to consult manufacturers and exporters of such equipment.

"I can make the work of the Ministry’s officials easier and say that their concerns now seem somewhat unfounded. Thus, in 2018, the import of tractors from Russia was $ 1.3 million or 0.1% of the total import of tractors to Ukraine", – Robert Horvat said.

At the same time, the MP noted that in the same year, Ukrainian exports of such equipment to Russia amounted to 11.8 million dollars or 60% of all domestic exports of tractors. And as of the beginning of 2019, their sale to Russia is banned by the official Moscow.

"Therefore, the position of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in this situation seems at least strange. My colleagues and I expect that after consultations, Olga Trofimtseva together with the specialists of the Ministry will make the right decision. We have to defend Ukraine’s national interests together," – Robert Horvat said.

Recall that earlier, people’s deputies Robert Horvat, Valeriy Lunchchenko and Vasyl Petyovka called on the Cabinet to ban imports of vehicles from Russia.   

Press service of People’s Deputy of Ukraine Robert Horvat

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