You are the participant of the “Process-3” (PHOTO)

"Ontology. PROCESS – 3. New Realism" is the title of the exhibition of contemporary art, which opened on January 10, in the art center "Ilko Gallery" in Uzhgorod.

This exhibition, which will run until February 14, features several dozen paintings, art objects made of blown glass and ceramics, metal, plaster and wood by contemporary artists: Angelina Hafynets, Oleksiy Dynnyk, Victor Demin, Ivan Ilko, Mykhailo Ilko, Vasyl Kadar, Valentin Kuzan, Beata Korn, Victor Melnychuk, Ivan Nebesnyk, Nata Popova, Oleg Putrashyk, Petro Ryaska, Taras Tabaka, Albina Tabaka, Natalia Tarnay, Oleg Tokar, Emma Tremba, Ruslan Tremba, Vadim Kharabaruk, Mykhailo Khodanych, Natalia Shevchenko, Volodymyr Pavlyshyn.

This is a joint project of artists Taras Tabaka and Mykhailo Ilko. "The series of exhibitions "Process" is an attempt to get back to the essence of things, to the ontology of creation. The basis of the exhibitions is the new realism in a deterministic sense, and creativity as a process is its method", – Mykhailo Ilko says. – The new realism today is a different world, it can be achieved by immersing into it and preserving the internal "melody" of culture."

In turn, Taras Tabaka says: "This exhibition is the final one in the trilogy of exploration of metamorphosis and transformations of creative processes in times of changes. Permeated with the spirit of our land, it takes us to the new points of reference, while retaining ties with the phenomenological world. With this conclusion, we move to the new era in the history of Transcarpathian fine arts, the formation of a new paradigm that can enter the day tomorrow with its own views and stance. In the "true" art, the link between the process and the mission is undeniable."

The organizers decided to focus not on the visual idea of the classic painting, but to bring the audience to the point of contact of our historical Christian tradition with technological and virtual world, which is so firmly entrenched in our lives. Thus, they made each visitor a participant in the process of creating their own history and their mission in it.  

Ната Попова Олег Токар Земля
Володимир Павлишин (МОК)Axila2015
Михайло Ходанич Сенситивні комунікації
Вадим Харабарук Чотири колони
Беата Корн Контрасти
Іван Небесник
Тарас Табака
Робота -Іван Небесник
Тарас Табака Антураж для селфі
Віктор Мельничук
Петро Ряска
Руслан Тремба2
Олег Токар Власний ідеал
Іван Небесник Живопис для середнього класу
Руслан Тремба
Олег Петрашик Спотворена реальність...
Наталія Шевченко Взаємодія

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