There are 130 registered landfills in the region. Their total area is 121.1 hectares. In most cases, registered landfills do not meet sanitary and environmental standards, they have no fence and diking around the perimeter, no drainage and ditches to collect surface or ground water, they are located close to rivers and other water bodies, etc.
However, in addition to the registered landfills, there is a huge number of dumps and landfills that are not controlled and maintained. According to preliminary data, there are about 900 such dumps in the region, most of them are in Uzhgorod, Rakhiv, and Svalyava district, where tourists come often. A large number of dumps and landfills have been formed "thanks" to tourists who throw garbage at the places of recreation. The remaining illegal landfills were made by local residents (especially in mountain regions), who simply have no official place to dump wastes, as landfills in mountainous areas are forbidden by law.
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