Recently, in the area of customs post "Tisa" of the Transcarpathian customs office, 125 women’s T-shirts "GUESS", 95 men’s shirts and 60 t-shirts "FIFTY FOUR" were seized from a Ukrainian. The reason for the incident was the discovery of goods exceeding the untaxed limit permitted to be moved across the customs border of Ukraine.
Heading to Ukraine from Italy, the citizen chose the customs control procedure in the "red corridor" lane, filled customs declaration, in which he indicated his passport data, information about the vehicle and the presence of baggage with personal belongings, a total of fifteen travel bags.
However, during the customs inspection of the Ukrainian’s vehicle and belongings, they found foreign goods not indicated in the customs declaration and not declared during the oral survey – clothes that were in two cardboard boxes in the luggage compartment and inside the minibus. The driver admitted that the found goods, access to which was not obstructed, was his property and also said that he had bought it at the market in the city of Milan.
According to the prices listed on the clothes labels, their cost is 6,479.50 euros.
Thus, the citizen of Ukraine violated the established order of customs control in areas of the simplified customs control by carrying goods in excess of untaxed limit permitted to be moved across the customs border of Ukraine.
These actions have signs of violation of customs rules under Article 472 of the Customs Code of Ukraine. Based on Article 511 of the Customs Code of Ukraine, the direct objects of the offense – clothes worth over 186,600 UAH – were seized.
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