Provision of hookah smoking services is allowed only with a license!

The Law of Ukraine "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products" defines that tobacco products are filter or non-filter cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, as well as pipe, snuffing, sucking, chewing tobacco, shag and other products made of tobacco or its substitutes for smoking, snuffing, sucking or chewing, and retail sale is the activity on selling goods directly to citizens and other end consumers for their personal non-commercial use, including that in restaurants, cafes, bars and other catering undertakings.

     According to Art. 15 of the Law, retail sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products may be carried out by economic entities of all forms of property, including their manufacturers, if they have licenses.

     Given the above, a business entity providing services for hookah smoking and selling tobacco substitutes for hookah smoking may exercise such activity only if they have license for the retail sale of tobacco products.

 By Uzhgorod STI

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