Yesterday, June 29, the Defense Minister of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak was in Transcarpathia on a working visit. Besides meetings with military personnel, families of soldiers killed in the ATO, the management of the region, he visited Mukachevo hospital. There, Poltorak met with "Mukachevo junta" – Mukachevo wing of the Movement to support Transcarpathian soldiers – the NGO "Mobilization".
"Lyudmila Bandurchak and I gave the Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak soldier barley porridge and biscuits.
I do not know if the Minister dared, but we did try the cans. What can I say? Packaging is cheaper, but tastes better. At list, the smell is not sickening, and there is no mold.
Despite everything, the quality is poor, and food for the soldiers still must be better. When asked whether they can terminate contracts with unscrupulous manufacturers and demand to pay damages, the Minister did not give a clear answer. He said only that it is extremely difficult to do it and that new army rations with diverse and high-calorie menu were about to b delivered to the front," – the coordinator of volunteer movement Natalia Zotova wrote.
Lyudmyla Bandruchak noted: "Today, Natalia Zotova and I gave the Minister of Defence Poltorak all the answers to our inquiries about payments to soldiers of the 128th brigade that took part in the fighting in Debaltseve, 1,000 UAH per diem from the Ministry which he heads. The Minister said that he would deal with it. Although Poltorak was as unknowing about the matters as the officer, whom he removed from his duties today 🙂 We pointed out to him that payments are delayed by the ATO headquarters. We warned him that we are ready to sue. Countdown has begun."
How our Lyudmyla Bandurchak treated the Minister of Defence with army ration 🙂
Posted by Mobilization on June 29, 2015
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