У рамках благодійного проекту на Ужгородській дитячій залізниці до Міжнародного захисту дітей "Дитячий експрес" було встановлено рекорд України – побудовано найдовшу дитячу іграшкову залізницю.
Складали її виключно діти з дерев’яних елементів. За словами організаторів, довжина колій близько 50 метрів.
«Аналогів цьому рекорду в Україні нема. В майбутньому ми плануємо щороку перевершувати свій рекорд», – зазначив
As part of the charity project on the International Children’s Day "Children’s Express", the record of Ukraine was set at Uzhgorod children’s railway – the longest children’s toy railway was built.
It was made by children of wooden elements. According to the organizers, the length of the tracks is about 50 meters.
"There are no analogues to this record in Ukraine. In the future, we plan to surpass our record every year"- the organizer Taras Vorotniak said.
A representative of the National Registry of Records of Ukraine came to register the record.
"We were long thinking of which category this record should be included to. Finally, we agreed that since the railroad is to be made by children, then it should be in the "Children" category – the guest from Kyiv said.
All who took part in the construction of the railways received certificates of participation in the record setting.
After setting the record, all the elements of the toy railroads will be given to kindergartens – the Holos Karpat writes.
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